Ah, the dog days of summer…for me that means taking a break from tri’s for a couple months. My next tri is Aug. 28, which is probably good, since I don’t do well in the heat.
My big news (as some of you know) is that I got into the New York City Marathon! I don’t know how I got so lucky, but apparently the running gods want me to take on 26.2 miles again!
It was during a moment of insanity last January (when my brain had blocked out all memories of the pain I had endured in my first marathon) that I entered the lottery for the NYC. It was the one race I had always wanted to do. I love New York and the idea of running through all the boroughs in the nation’s biggest marathon was exciting to me. I really didn’t expect to get in. People wait years to do this race. I knew if you got rejected three years in a row then you got automatic entry the next year. I didn’t know if I would want to run a marathon four years from now (I’m old, you know) but I figured I would get the ball rolling.
Second on my list of marathons was the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. I wouldn’t find out about New York until April and sign-up for the Marine Corps was in February. I signed up and made it in, despite the fact the race sold out in 28 hours! I was pretty excited…you get to run by all these monuments, finishing at the Iwo Jima Memorial, where a Marine puts a medal around your neck!
Well, April comes and I find out I made it into New York! How lucky can I be?! I had a decision to make. I decided to defer the Marine Corps to 2012 and do my dream race. It would mean undergoing months of training, lost Saturdays doing long runs and plenty of ice baths! Was I really choosing to do this?!
Biking and swimming are good cross-training for runners so I still felt I could do a couple more triathlons this season. It would take focus and adhering to a strict schedule, but I was ready to take on the challenge!
My most recent race was the Fifth Season 8K on July 4. There was much consternation from some runners when they changed the race route due to construction downtown. I realize people have been doing this race for 25 years, but five miles is five miles. Do you think the Kenyans care where they run?
The route traveled from the Chrome Horse Saloon down Otis Road. There were lots of water stops, my favorite thing at any race! The race started at 7 AM (I also appreciate an early start in the summertime) and we would be running separately from the 5K runners (wimps, as I call them…just kidding).
I enjoyed the race, even when I got beat by Sophie the Gaddis dog and a stroller containing a baby named Sebastian. (Seriously, I’m getting beat by someone named Sebastian? Shouldn’t he be home playing the piano?!).
The race finished up at the Chrome Horse. My race bib contained drink tickets. I didn’t think I would want a beer at 8:30 in the morning, but it tasted kind of good!
As a side note to last month’s incident at the Pigman Tri, I am feeling good so it’s full steam ahead!